If time is of the essence maybe you should consider incorporating this beast of a combination into exercise into you routine.
This combination of high knees and squat jumps is almost guaranteed to have your heart beating like a thousand bulls running toward a red suited matador caught with their pants down, but remember intensity is totally down to you. Working your butt, thighs and your core at the same time this exercise is great for increasing your core strength, working your buttocks, strengthening your back muscles and improving your over all fitness.
You can make this exercise as hard or as easy as you like, the intensity is all down to you.
Technique: Squat Jump & High Knees Instructed by: GM-FITNESS
WORKOUT DETAILS Duration:1 min Difficulty:5/5 Equipment: No Equipment Needed Training Type: Cardio Vascular & Toning
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Cast: Melissa: Elite Personal Trainer & GM-FITNESS
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