Did you know?
The word breakfast literally means to break a fast referring to an extended period in which no food has been consumed over an extended time.
Who Invented Cereal?
Ready To Eat (RTE) Was the first cold breakfast cereal that swept the nation, Granula, was invented in the United States in 1863 by Mr James Caleb Jackson.
Cereal was originally created as a way of using the abundance of corn produced in the vast fields of America.
Another interesting fact Kellogg thought that diet played a huge role in masturbation and that a bland diet would decrease excitability and prevent masturbation this lead to the creation of Corn Flakes breakfast cereal in 1878.
Breakfast cereal can be quick and convenient but be careful of high sugared products.
Be imaginative with your morning meals, they can be prepared the evening before to save time and they don’t have to come from a box.
Why not spice things become a little adventurous, there are literally thousands of foods available for us to sink our teeth into, keep breakfast as interchangeable as any other meal time, breakfast should be as unique as you are why stick to the same old dull routine.