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Fibre Facts Why You Should Give A Crap

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Fibre A Great Way To Start The Day

We have Two Types of Fibre Soluble and Insoluble that provide us with the necessary roughage to facilitate the removal of waste matter from our arteries and colon.

Soluble fibre has an important roll in our arteries and veins helping to reduce the build up of plaque like substance know, as atherosclerosis. Build up of plaque can lead to cardio vascular disease or even complications such as stroke, blood, clot, and coronary thrombosis “heart attack.”

Plaque from excess sugar and fat that can form in our arteries leading to a reduction of blood flow, over time plaque can build up to dangerous levels leading to blockages, if sections become large enough they can break away into smaller vessels leading to blood clots and even stroke. Preventable illness via cardiovascular disease is one of the biggest contributors to illness to in modern history.

The recommended average intake of fibre for adults is 30g per day.

What is dietary fibre?

Dietary fibre (roughage), (Insoluble fibre) refers to a group of substances in plant foods which cannot be completely broken down by human digestive enzymes.

This includes waxes, lignin and polysaccharides such as cellulose and pectin. Originally it was thought that dietary fibre was completely indigestible and did not provide any energy.

Some types of soluble fibre may help lower risk of heart disease. Insoluble fibre is found in foods such as wheat bran, vegetables, and whole grains has shown to be effective in studies.

Recent discoveries provide evidence that fibre can be fermented in the large intestine by gut bacteria, producing short chain fatty acids and gases (methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide).

The fatty acids are absorbed into the blood stream and provide a small amount of energy. The amount of gas produced depends on the type of fibre eaten and the gut bacteria present in your intestines.

Why Do I Get Blotted And Gassy?

After a large increase in the amount of fibre in the diet, some people experience symptoms such as abdominal distension, discomfort, and wind. However, the large intestine and gut bacteria gradually adapt to the increased intake and symptoms usually decrease.

This may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to adapt, slowly increasing your dietary fibre intake will lessen these effects and allow your body to adapt as normal.

In the large intestine, or colon, the gas volume is usually 100 to 200 cubic cm

(6 to 12 cubic inches).

Little oxygen is present and the amount of carbon dioxide has increased. New gases formed from bacterial fermentation are added in the colon. Of the new gases produced, hydrogen is the major component.

Some of this is absorbed by the blood and released through the lungs during breathing. Other gas products formed are gasses such as methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and various sulfur-containing mercaptans. Excess gas in the colon is eventually passed from the body by a process known as flatulence.

Certain foods, such as beans, pork, onions, cabbage, and cauliflower, are known to increase gas production because of their high sulfur content, interestingly sulphates are what gives garlic it pungent smell, eating green leaved vegetables such as spinach can help reduce the lingering garlic smell.

Your digestive system is a remarkable feat of engineering and scientist are still unravelling its secrets, your gut health helps produce vitamins, absorbs nutrients from food, absorbs fats, even produces its own vitamins such as vitamin k and protects us against invading germs, bacteria and virus that scheme to do us harm.

Your gut harbours trillions of bacteria, infact the cells that make up the human body equal the number of bacteria that coexist in our guts, the good bacteria engage with our body in a symbiotic relationship helping to take residence to keep out the bad neighbours.

Good and bad bacteria live everywhere in and on our bodies, by eating a balanced diet we can help to encourage the good bacteria to thrive.

Research into immunity suggests that exposure to beneficial bacteria in out gut may play a crucial roll in protecting us against invading bad bacteria.

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